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Scan a project

  toodaloo scan [flags]

      --git-files              get files from the git tree
      --glob string            glob pattern - ignored if files provided as arguments (default "**/*")
  -h, --help                   help for scan
      --ignore-paths strings   ignore scanning these files (default [.git/**/*])
  -o, --output string          output type (default "yaml")
  -s, --save-path string       save report to path - use "-" to output to stdout (default ".toodaloo.yaml")
  -t, --tags strings           todo tags (default [fixme,todo,@todo])

Global Flags:
  -d, --directory string   working directory (default "/workspaces/toodaloo2")
  -l, --log-level string   log level: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic (default "info")

Listing files to scan

There are three ways to list the files to scan. They're subtly different, so it's important to understand the differences.


This is the default.

The value of the --glob argument decides the files that are scanned. This is useful to combine with --ignore-paths.


The toodaloo scan command accepts an infinite number of arguments. These files will then be scanned.

Git files

Passing the argument --git-files will find all the files in the HEAD of the Git repo.

It is the functional equivalent of the command git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only.


There are many ways of declaring a TODO in your source code. By default, the tags fixme, todo and @todo are used.

Output format

There are various different output formats available. This tracks the TODOs in a way that can be used in your project.

Ultimately, this makes it very obvious when new TODOs are added in your pull requests.


This is the default output. This is useful if you want to programmitically use the TODO output.

- author: sje
  file: pkg/output/markdown.go
  lineNumber: 30
  message: implement report
- author: sje
  file: pkg/scanner/scan.go
  lineNumber: 189
  message: get the author from the Git history
- author: sje
  file: pkg/scanner/scan.go
  lineNumber: 198
  message: add the URL to the file/line number


This generates a table in markdown. This will then be displayed.

| File | Line Number | Author | Message |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| pkg/output/markdown.go | 30 | sje | implement report |
| pkg/scanner/scan.go | 189 | sje | get the author from the Git history |
| pkg/scanner/scan.go | 198 | sje | add the URL to the file/line number |

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